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    I'm having a very strange issue with this one. My solution is mostly correct, except that it doesn't work for the letter "a". I've got a char array with each letter at it's alphabet position index - 1 (so 'a' has an index of 0) and when I check if a character from the input is in the alphabet array, the check for 'a' fails. It boils down to the statement

    // *text is 'a' on the iteration in question
    *text == alphabet_array[0]

    evaluating as false. I actually shifted the alphabet array by one element and put in a '?' as the first element and then it worked for the test input (but won't work generally). Characters that are in the first position of the alphabet array are failing for some reason, so my solution will skip whatever character is in the first position ('a' here).

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    Please don't posts solutions in Discourse.

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