  • Custom User Avatar

    Good use of pattern matching.
    Instead of matching tediously , is it a possible we can use a tuple since both of these are all same to match with
    counterparts i.e (')', '(', '{', '}', '[' , ']') => (Braces::LParenthesis , Braces::RParenthesis, and so on..) ?

    I would love to hear from you.

  • Custom User Avatar

    This is clever technique , might be long , but it displays a technique on tackling a problem. Deepens understanding in pattern matching , conditions , implementing struct methods, and borrowing/referencing.

    Love it.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Is there a simple we can avoid using chars().count()?

  • Custom User Avatar

    This is the thought i had but framing the idea was a bit difficult. I don't know if you ever feel that sometimes, Ofcourse you're a programmer.