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    I was having the same problem just use float() in covert stirng do not use int() side_not 8.0 ==8 True

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    It is shuold be True because [4,2,2] , [0,1,2] both have same structure that what kata want you th check not if both list are equal or not.

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    you are getting it wrong . Kata dose not want you to know the shotcut but dont want you to use it.
    your code probably use strings to check for '[]' in original and other but one of the array is something like this [1,'[',']'],['[',']',1].

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    well I am a beginner so I can not fully tell if it's a good question or not but with regex you can get the Domain as long as you write right Regex it dose not matter what domain contains as long as it contain a "." after Domain for ex:- "youtube.notcom/mypage"

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    just print() the code like you do in your console

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    you're probaly using a class in re which contain a "w" that why w is removed from search.Try to look at other failed result see if it's common and in your failed resutls one result must saying that you're missing a "h" in search(same cause)

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    second last line of your code is the Problem just remove print() and try not to use print() while defining a function.