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    Yes it may work better, But it requires the quantity 'nubbed' to be of the Ord class, whereas standard nub doesn't.

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    Those are two pairs of (empty) single quotes, not one pair of double quotes surrounding a comma...

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    • Dashes and Underscores should both be replaced, this can be done with a fairly simple line.
      I would suggest googling " regex replace character with another". This should also
      help take care of leading and ending underscores on it's own.

    • regardless of input Camel Case words should always have lowercase letters aside from first letter
      of every word starting from second word.

    • This is my first post on codeWars. If I have by anychance done anything against posting convention
      please let me know.

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    Care to elaborate why?

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    This does not fulfill the requirements at all.

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    Yes, it's python 2. See the fork for the python 3 version.

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    I think the problem could be defined a bit more thoroughly.

    What about strings which contain both dashes and underscores, like 'the_well-known_guy'? Even though we can safely guess that the result should be 'theWell-knownGuy', finding a consistent algorithm would be quite difficult. What about strings with a leading underscore? More importantly, what about strings which contain uppercase characters? The sample tests seem to indicate that uppercase letters in the input should be preserved, yet I managed to pass all the tests with a solution which doesn't. For example, that solution would fail on the string 'the_UK_guy', returning 'theUkGuy'.

    Do note that I'm not suggesting the Kata be made more difficult, just better defined, no matter if the definition is arbitrary. As it stands, I think it's just encouraging people not to try to learn more about a problem, which is a terrible habit.

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    Haskell random test might be generating some weird Chars, I could not figure it out myself.

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    Not a kata issue then, I guess.

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    You're right, I'm quite surprised that I didn't check for that optimization. I haven't written Haskell in a while, but I know that at the time I loved to fiddle with things and look at the Core, to see what improvements could be made. I guess now I have no choice but to get back into it ;)

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    You did miss a couple of parentheses in there though. $ has really low precedence.

    Also, GHC might already optimise (++) . ([]) to (:). If there should be performance problems, profiling may be a better bet than trying to be smarter than GHC.

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    [toUpper c] ++ (replicate i $ toLower c) is just toUpper c : replicate i $ toLower c. As the other commenter noted, there are some unecessary statements.

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