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    Same issue here.. process timing out..

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    well, as I mentioned before, I added the below tests and code finished in 140ms..

    Test.assert_equals(gap(2, 10000000, 11000000), [10000139, 10000141])
    Test.assert_equals(gap(84, 432560923690632432, 93274782356043246324324), [432560923690633109, 432560923690633193])

    now I added these two, 524ms to finish
    Test.assert_equals(gap(84, 43256092369069327478235604324632432432432, 9327478235932747823560432463243246043246324324), [43256092369069327478235604324632432439529, 43256092369069327478235604324632432439613])
    Test.assert_equals(gap(84, 4325693274782356043246324324092393274782356043246324324690632432, 932932747823560432463243247479327478235604324632432482356043246324324), [4325693274782356043246324324092393274782356043246324324690634993, 4325693274782356043246324324092393274782356043246324324690635077])

    still think my code won't finish within 6seconds for whatever is the given tests?

    I just don't know what is happening

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    It is posible to do all test cases under 200ms (in JS). So try to write more efficient algorithm. Good luck.

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    Read the description again, you missed something...

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Process was terminated. It took longer than 6000ms to complete

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    Could you post exactly what you get? Did you get "Submission timed out" or "Process timed out"?

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    I added these two tests to already existing 5 tests for 'Run tests'

    Test.assert_equals(gap(2, 10000000, 11000000), [10000139, 10000141])
    Test.assert_equals(gap(84, 432560923690632432, 93274782356043246324324), [432560923690633109, 432560923690633193])

    finished in 140ms

    but when I 'Submit', it times out.. I seriously think script would finish within 6seconds

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    Try to speed up you search for primes! My solution runs at CW below 700 ms so you should succeed.

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    Python: I am getting timeout issue.. not sure why

    when I run it on my system with below tests, it takes only <=500ms
    print nextPrime(2,3)
    print nextPrime(20,300)
    print nextPrime(32144322,23452625233)
    print gap(4,100,110)
    print gap(4,30000,100000)
    print gap(2, 10000000, 11000000)
    print gap(2, 100000000, 110000000)
    print gap(2, 10000000000, 11000000000)
    print gap(2, 100000000000, 110000000000)
    print gap(2, 100000000430000, 1100000000056450)
    print gap(84, 432560923690632432, 93274782356043246324324)

    I tried some hacks..

    this fails as expected (None should equal [30109, 30113])
    def gap(g, m, n):
    if n > 11000:
    return None

    while, this times out
    def gap(g, m, n):
    if n > 110000:
    return None

    my script might not be meeting 6sec requirement, but I don't think it should fail like this.. especially as much bigger number on my system does within 500ms..

    any suggestions?