I have the same problem. My solution passed all sample tests but failed random tests. One of many examples:
s: [ 17, 18, 9, 10, 20, 2 ]
w: [ 2, 4, 1, 5, 1, 1 ]
c: 50
Expected: 111, instead got: 76
Depends on what you consider the JS equivalent of a Ruby hash.
The way it's written, an Array is not, but a Date or a RegExp is. A primitive ( boolean, string, number, null, undefined ) should not be; that's obvious.
If you consider an Object to be an object, everything but a primitive should be, including a Boolean, String or Number ( /= boolean, string, number ).
The best JS implementation of this idea may not be a faithful adaptation of the original ( and the best implementation including Ruby may not be to return the same object modified ).
Marked issue as resolved
Hi. Thanks. Yes I'm absolutely sure there's no problem with it, I have only removed the declaration of an unused variable :)
4 years later, issue is still not solved ^^
plunit_persistence:prod_/2: Undefined procedure: plunit_persistence:prod/2 (forall bindings = [1])
Thanks for the translation!
Same issue here. Please fix the JavaScript checker.
It's easy to check it's failing:
A lot of tests where capacity is greater than the sum of all weights are failing.
I have the same problem. My solution passed all sample tests but failed random tests. One of many examples:
s: [ 17, 18, 9, 10, 20, 2 ]
w: [ 2, 4, 1, 5, 1, 1 ]
c: 50
Expected: 111, instead got: 76
JS :
Depends on what you consider the JS equivalent of a Ruby hash.
The way it's written, an
is not, but aDate
or aRegExp
is. A primitive ( boolean, string, number, null, undefined ) should not be; that's obvious.If you consider an
to be an object, everything but a primitive should be, including aBoolean
boolean, string, number ).The best JS implementation of this idea may not be a faithful adaptation of the original ( and the best implementation including Ruby may not be to return the same object modified ).
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