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    it ran on a different ide. adjusted a line on codewars and it worked, so that's good enough. ( i was reading the test cases compared to the results).
    I was wondering, how does it say 3 edits? can you edit a comment if you have a certain level of honour?
    edit: nvm answered my own question

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    you can read those tests yourself since they're in the editor box under the editor box for your solution

    you can run some basic tests on your own code yourself

    you're also reading that failure message wrong. equal means equal, as in x == x, not f(x) == x

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    python. "Given an array of integers, return a new array with each value doubled."
    Test case seems to have been mistyped.
    "Basic Test Cases
    [0, 2, 4] should equal [2, 4, 6]"

    should assert (going by the rules applied to 0 within the other test cases):
    [0,2,4] should equal [0,4,8]
    [1.2.4] should equal [2,4,8]