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    It does locally in ~30ms. I'm timing out after ~830 tests.

    After attempting it in python, my solution works with over 5 seconds to spare. You may want to reduce the number of tests for Javascript.

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    I'm really enjoying this kata so far.
    I've made it through 830 tests, but I see that you meantioned it was ~450 in total. Is there an issue with there being too many tests or otherwise?
    Also, I think I've gone the one step deeper you suggested, maybe there is a more efficient way that I'm not getting to (that is still relatively brute force)? I'm not really looking for hints, I just don't know if I've met the expectation yet or not

    *Edit: After returning at the top of the function call, I'm getting over 1600 tests, and its taking over 6 seconds just to call and return the function. I figure it is too many tests.