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    It seems that the codewar does not accept direct inputs into the code.
    It is necessary to make a function and use the Test Cases to check it out.

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    The problem with your code is when it takes input, b is always string(if you give input as 12, it will store as '12' in b it's a string always). So first you need to convert b into int and then make a boolean condition on it's data type.

    Here is the correct code for you.

    from datetime import datetime
    a = datetime.now()
    c = str(a.hour) + str(a.minute)
    b = input("Please, print the password here (without letters!):")
    if type(int(b)) is int:
    if(b == c):
    print("ACCESS DENIED")

    print("Please, don't print letters.")
    print("Reset the program.")