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    this is not a suggestion ... ?

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    It's difficult to tell why your code is wrong without seeing it. My crystal ball got broken, sorry. Nonetheless, your code would pass the tests if it were correct, and if it does not pass, it menas it's not correct. The fact that it works for you locally is a good sign, but still not enough.

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    Well, I'm not gonna give you the solution... I told you where to look at (spoiler: I fixed it and solved it with your code). There are random tests with random arrays so it's likely that you're not using the same inputs.

    And by the way, there is a thread open already, so you should reply to it, not spam the whole thread with more posts. But if you're just gonna keep downvoting people trying to help you, well... good luck on your own.

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    The Question is how can the code has mistakes when it runs correctly in Qt with the same array as input as in example.

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    How can we know if the problem can be fixed if you don't know what you're doing?

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    Because you didn´t replay anything that could solve the problem

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    @TheCoder99: Are you actually trolling? You keep posting questions and issues, which I answered and you just keep posting new ones without looking at the replies.

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    Just checked the C++ version, it seems to be OK. You probably have some mistake in your solution.

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    Hi everyone. When I run the code in my IDE(Qt) it shows the correct output, but when I run the code here, I get different output. Does someone encountered similar problem?

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    I am unable to se the example input & outputs