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    Yep, works fine now, thanks.

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    Hi awesomead, I have made a change that should fix everything. Please try again when you get a chance, thanks.

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    Thank you very much for your quick response. I had written that part and when I wanted to rewrite it, I just deleted without writing it new.
    So I thought I considered everything and it seems that then my frustration made me blind.
    Now it works!

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    * a valid response word must contain four different letters
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    Hello, I just wanted to ask how trustworthy are the tests in JavaScript?
    More than one time I've seen tests like the one beneath.
    Alice has no valid word in her memory, however Bob does - namely heme.
    My code finds this word and therefore the winner is 1 (Bob). The test however claims that -1 is the correct result.
    Either the tests are heavily unreliable or i misunderstood the Kata completely.

    Thanks for help in advance!

    Start word: home
    Starting person: Alice
    Expected result: -1
    Alice: spat,hale,tail,byre,poco,beet,ekes,horn,leis,mows,adze,gaol,thro,dirt,veto,bars,fuds,limn,dyad,pily,sard,floe,coda,quad,hilt,purl,feta,wiki,near,pois,loll,wool,joke,hawk,vaws,pith,mack,vail,ohed,opah,jure,tala,flow,tups,club,koan,staw,taus,west,hail,eats,reds,roam,tuba,acne,kirk,burb,pews,hang,culm,rows,rasp,impi,jour,uvea,isle,doms,exit,pogy,scow,anga,ludo,gist,kolo,tody,cote,slue,rath,maps,pave,ware,gyri,echt,bedu,ween,baps,fore,raws,typo,rhos,bent,vatu,urea,loto,sagy,mise,anon,sari,smug,nill
    Bob: safe,pias,last,tray,tort,culm,girn,aims,nays,cuif,teds,bent,wive,eide,goos,halo,cans,blae,nite,kist,bozo,bawl,pion,sods,muns,bitt,molt,lime,jamb,mote,bins,frug,froe,yowl,huck,apes,jogs,rhus,tonk,geek,oink,efts,boar,bind,mope,eche,orcs,bend,tyre,heme,gunk,whys,desk,duro,bean,foss,bogs,inly,wham,peen,floc,meno,mell,roti,haen,samp,eyry,hoya,fine,suit,fume,dojo,waft,alky,tret,cars,lean,sack,pool,abut,same,odes,yang,undy,list,lite,heir,nosy,bole,tegs,fehs,grum,lipe,pang,tike,tick,kaes,lade,gadi,luny
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    Hi, me again! Still C#, still an issue:

    Consider the following output:

    Game starts!
    Alice: keto, pima, amin, acyl, pons, fons, prof, mash, cats, show, rolf, jowl, safe, urns, quip, kiva, kafs, make, ruin, burl, crow, gaur, ayes, vang, helo, kune, troy, taus, trey, bawn, bulk, life, soli, bach, exit, anil, jauk, pech, glad, lars, utas, visa, ropy, trug, apes, roms, mocs, mops, dopy, vias, ylem, sate, nape, hums, grok, jolt, lyse, flir, semi, zein, tour, kino, user, glue, coni, fest, temp, dato, axel, toke, rums, fuel, jibs, fids, desk, sack, calf, tags, type, lech, care, rave, ahed, dyes, hail, gain, bort, soja, folk, rent, juke, echo, yams, brin, racy, more, nags, carn, junk, haft, veal, yods, band, deys, molt, pugh, bray, dona, herm, skag, wauk, rout, bask, devs, pint, fury, foul, noma, hors, curn, sail, mien, tavs, cork, hyle, deck, muns, hoke, phot, gads, sock, shiv, fiat, amid, yins, alps, kelt, buns, gamp, curt, plew, quin, lose, tans, sola, kier, pled, koas, dahl, plie, doum, ptui, pita, swiz, bars, tamp, doer, hubs, limp
    Bob: blaw, pant, rotl, rukh, hade, math, fits, peon, kept, jour, quay, sort, pons, scop, turf, pean, clip, stew, ramp, nibs, dogy, lisp, lady, mean, lard, naif, hose, cant, glom, mild, agin, font, nabs, zein, dole, soap, glut, envy, self, lech, rams, pint, dont, lads, toea, arty, kame, stem, mity, balk, tody, futz, winy, yelk, vice, duel, kors, mite, visa, ugly, prim, malt, gray, kine, bump, lobs, awed, tarn, hunt, snag, vine, slub, pets, mien, oxen, pirn, bota, spun, fest, yuga, wynd, whig, bigs, oral, jure, acne, loup, gies, aits, ahis, tabs, bise, vaus, tong, flaw, lime, cris, mans, take, reck, tain, lurk, type, gulf, sift, twae, pony, runs, many, rato, tome, berk, kips, coxa, zeal, bawn, mist, jade, suba, holk, kudo, hoed, dint, foin, tram, kith, cane, drug, pina, waif, case, foes, murk, goat, mown, puke, sire, toga, lash, hies, bake, lino, gams, mike, miry, shot, tire, okay, hats, luna, pias, them, peat, mony, hols, eyas, tens, thae
    Initial Word: tavs
    Alice found a match for tavs: taus
    Bob found a match for taus: tabs
    Alice found a match for tabs: tags
    Bob failed to find something to match tags
    Game ends, Alice won
    Test Failed
      Expected: 1
      But was:  0

    The inputs are getting slightly unwieldy at this point, but I still tried to go over them by hand and verify; there is no answer for Bob to give, but the tests expect him to win. Are there edge-cases I'm missing or a rule I have overlooked?
    Note, as prior, I am passing the fixed tests. I also took my C# code, translated it word for word into Python and that solution passed wihthout issues.

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    Thanks for the feedback, I am checking everything and will fix this as soon as possible.

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    Oi. Indeed. Reading comprehension is useful sometimes....

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    As I understood "cuss" is not valid answer as far as it has two letters 's' and we have rule
    a valid response word must contain four different letters

    So probably it should stop execution somewhere on previous steps fo the game

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    Good day, trying to solve it with C# but every time some random test constantly fails without obvious reason. Could you please check this output?

    alice memory
    dozy bard foot rear rase book lace thae mesh paws veld bell whom soft riot brag yore sage sups adds syke doer alfa chop rukh meds wont pows zarf pont pens irid meno keas tuna torc pend ciao burd sips pans dels zeks avid fink yell ovum pert eric ayin ibex urea wack gawk song lobe pars high rome lime dint guns vade shoo faut hogg stab swad flux faun hoke lout dork lets tufa haul cage figs lady bawl vigs broo dare boyo peas loci aeon dive bing eyra unci flab pele know wary mink smog mugs dose dues
    bob memory
    dozy bard foot rear rase book lace thae mesh paws veld bell whom soft riot brag yore sage sups adds syke doer alfa chop rukh meds wont pows zarf pont pens irid meno keas tuna torc pend ciao burd sips pans dels zeks avid fink yell ovum pert eric ayin ibex urea wack gawk song lobe pars high rome lime dint guns vade shoo faut hogg stab swad flux faun hoke lout dork lets tufa haul cage figs lady bawl vigs broo dare boyo peas loci aeon dive bing eyra unci flab pele know wary mink smog mugs dose dues

    current turn: 0
    current word: cups

    aliceAnswer: NO ANSWER
    aliceWrong: True
    bobWrong: False
    current turn: 1
    current word: cups

    dups cups1
    bobAnswer: dups
    aliceWrong: True
    bobWrong: False
    winner 1

    Test Failed
    Expected: 0
    But was: 1