There are 50 ish tests now, including 12 difficult fixed tests, including edge cases (so difficult I had to rewrite some code). I think it is better...
I really loved this problem! It was pretty difficult to understand the optimal strategy (not to implement it), so thank you because this one felt real good to solve. I think the reason we want threes so bad is because 3 is the integer closest to e. Can anyone confirm this? It is just a thought.
It's been two weeks at this point... I wonder if there is something wrong?
users can mutate inputs in python. At first my solution did not work because of that.
nice easy problem
Still no one has solved the kata... do you have any idea why that is?
There are 50 ish tests now, including 12 difficult fixed tests, including edge cases (so difficult I had to rewrite some code). I think it is better...
I really loved this problem! It was pretty difficult to understand the optimal strategy (not to implement it), so thank you because this one felt real good to solve. I think the reason we want threes so bad is because 3 is the integer closest to e. Can anyone confirm this? It is just a thought.
If this Kata is worthy for approval (I'm not saying it necessarily is), how long ish would it take for that to happen?
I used copy.deepcopy... I think I fixed it. Thank you for the feedback!
I'm confused--how would I send them a separate copy?
Thanks a lot man
So there's no way to get people to do the problem from scratch?
How would I disable that?
Thank you. Sorry about the unreadability, I will fix it as soon as possible.
I'm such a dunce... I did this problem essentially from scratch and I could've just imported one of these libraries...
I just noticed a pattern, although I realize that it can be derived mathematically. I was lucky :)
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