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    "Yes, I see." --Cowboy Curtis
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    I believe that the reppelent part of this kata is : You never know if you are moving in the right direction.

    The problem is funny, but if flower function result would be disclosed to the users together with the anticipated target result for the flower function would be much better.

    The user's might spot other solutions. Not only static one's but also mathematical and proogrammistical. What would be even more interesting if other solutions exists, and thus the award for solution might become more essential.

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    Liked this one, satisfaction rating isn't fair.

    HINT: You REALLY will see the key with your own eyes if you do everything right. Also this kata can be solved in one step.

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    At the first glance this kata doesn't look good and instructions do not seem to be clear.
    But after a while it occured to me that you may want to take every word literally.
    After that realization, I actually enjoyed solving it. Some good ol' fun not everyne can appreciate.
    Thanks OP nevertheless.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    you almost made me cry

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    Well, sorry to say, but on the other hand this is such "low effort" kata authoring...

    It basically boils down to "read the mind of the author". If you're unlucky enough to not be in the right state of mind, you can wonder for years without even knowing if you're close or far from the solution...

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    True, I still stand by what I said

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    The solution to this problem is easy. Stop authoring kata's, then you will not be bombarded with all these negative comments. These users have been spoiled too much. Never authored a kata in their life, solving as much kata's as possible to gain precious honour and leave a downvote and nasty remark whenever they feel like it. Kudoos to the author for trying again at authoring a simple, fun kata:

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    You haven't solved a lot of kata's then I reckon

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    I really enjoyed this one, good job!

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    Disclaimer: I understand that everyone has different opinions etc, but just to balance out the negative reviews of this kata:

    I solved it after reading your comment on Dashboard, and honestly I don't get the satisfaction rating - it's a fun little "CTF-style" puzzle and would be a nice introduction to that kind of area.

    I think Codewars should have a giant red flashing border on Puzzle katas, or a GDPR style pop-up, telling people that they aren't intended to be "real world super serious work-related programming" katas but just a fun way to spend a coffee break or whatever :(

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    I looked at the satisfaction rating and didn't even try to solve it. I was right.

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    Quite possibly the worst kata I've ever had the displeasure of laying my eyes on

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    in Ruby I had and error:

    'result_message': uninitialized constant Digest (NameError)

    require 'digest' is needed to pass the attempt

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