Test.assertEquals(smallEnough([101, 45, 75, 105, 99, 107], 107), true); a.sum is 532 <= limit 107 how that is true??? Test.assertEquals(smallEnough([80, 117, 115, 104, 45, 85, 112, 115], 120), true) a.sum 773 <= limit 120 how that is true???
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
problem solved!!!
Random Tests (100 assertions) Log max is:113 max2 is:95 Test Failed Expected and actual are both <System.Int32[2]> Values differ at index [0] Expected: 99 But was: 0 ???????????????????????????
Test Failed User mutated the input array! Expected and actual are both <System.Int32[20]> Values differ at index [0] Expected: 43 But was: 118
Please Explain this
Correct, thnx! fixed!
oh thank you so much, I will fix it now!
DONE!! G_kuldeep go check please!
C# ^^ (https://www.codewars.com/kumite/5f1c48735d354b001e44db8a/edit) translated!
I Will, thank you!
you born a programmer no one teaches you I see! :o
I will finish it later today but you could keep it open not rejected for people to try dude!
I will work on it later today thank you!
C# translated (https://www.codewars.com/kumite/5f1c48735d354b001e44db8a?sel=5f1c48735d354b001e44db8a) :D
Loading collection data...
Test.assertEquals(smallEnough([101, 45, 75, 105, 99, 107], 107), true); a.sum is 532 <= limit 107 how that is true???
Test.assertEquals(smallEnough([80, 117, 115, 104, 45, 85, 112, 115], 120), true) a.sum 773 <= limit 120 how that is true???
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
problem solved!!!
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Random Tests (100 assertions)
max is:113
max2 is:95
Test Failed
Expected and actual are both <System.Int32[2]>
Values differ at index [0]
Expected: 99
But was: 0
Test Failed
User mutated the input array!
Expected and actual are both <System.Int32[20]>
Values differ at index [0]
Expected: 43
But was: 118
Correct, thnx!
oh thank you so much, I will fix it now!
G_kuldeep go check please!
C# ^^ (https://www.codewars.com/kumite/5f1c48735d354b001e44db8a/edit) translated!
I Will, thank you!
you born a programmer no one teaches you I see! :o
I will finish it later today but you could keep it open not rejected for people to try dude!
I will work on it later today thank you!
C# translated (https://www.codewars.com/kumite/5f1c48735d354b001e44db8a?sel=5f1c48735d354b001e44db8a) :D
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