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    I do apologize, I didn't see that note. What I meant by partial message is, if I receive a space before the first morse token, I have to decide why why that space is in the stream, because sppaces normally come after tokens. I can just assume the first token was delayed, causing the space, or I can more safely think there should have been a token before the space and my message will not be complete. Then I can signal the sender to retry or something like that.

    Great kata though, I'm not at all complaining.

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    I am not sure what exactly you mean by "partial messages", but there is this note in the description:

    NOTE: Extra spaces before or after the code have no meaning and should be ignored.

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    It was just you. The "the imported library" is fine.

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    Was it just me, or were the unique situations not recognized by the imported library? Was using Java.
    If I'm not the only one, sorry but this Kata needs work then...

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    I think you're missing the joke there mate