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    Not an issue. Your solution is wrong.

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    I suggest to complete a few more hundred katas here on CW, and then start making new ones :-)

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    What are you even trying to achieve with this? Practically the same thing can be done without translate, and it'll be much harder to ban such approach.

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    You should just drop the idea: forbidding a core tool just to write in 20 lines what should be done in 5. Nobody will be happy with that. Not even you, because downvotes will "flood" your kata (even worse than it is already)

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    I'm afraid you'll have to come up with something better :-) But don't take it bad if this one gets retired: rather learn from it.

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    Good choice. There are some katas that are not great initally, but can be fixed / changed to something better. This is not one of them. No matter how you cut it, it's still gonna be a duplicate, or have low rating. Topics like ceaser cipher, fizzbuzz, fibonacci have been done to death and it's not worth trying to re-invent the wheel.

    Just solve more katas and hopefully some great idea will come to your mind.

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    for some time...

    No, rather "definitely":

    • if you republish it keeping the idea, what will happen is just what B1ts described: downvote then automatic requirement. We already have too much of this kind of task, so it adds nothing to cw's database, so it will get downvotes (you may find the approach harsh I guess. So read those threads, plz: and )
    • if you change the kata, you need to start from a fresh one: votes and rates given here won't be changed (mostly because those who already did the kata won't be going by again even if you change it), so you'd almost automatically kill it by changing the current one.

    Plz, just keep it in your draft section (unfortuantely, it's not possible to delete it, yes)


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    Then you shouldn't have published a kata that's not complete :P Let me be absolutely clear, as a last warning, you have a chance to unpublish it right now.

    The second you fix your solution, you're gonna get the 4th downvote (I think most of us agree on that judgement, and we told you why), which means kata will be automatically retired, and no further fixes will matter. There is no need for this... Just unpublish it, solve more katas, and another day you'll come up with a good kata idea that's worth our time. You're not the first, and not the last to try and publish a duplicate, and it's fine, but please understand what we're telling you.