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    I still remember that year when the Lakers lost the 3 points needed for a spot in Champion's League playoffs with that draw in the last game of regular season against Manchester United.

    Just kidding :P Merry Christmas :)

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    Do you mean 10100 or 10(10100)? I mean is 10100 the total number or the argument you send to the function? If it is the second then yes I would have to rethink everything from scratch, the closest I got my code running without having to go make a coffee till the results get calculated was 10**500.000.

    And no this is not my real name, neither my real gender actually (if I'm not mistaken Alyona is a slavic version of Helen), it is just a random generated internet nickname.

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    Noob question here. I've tackled the other restrictions quite easily but how would I return the result when I cannot return?

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    How far do the tests go? I had a solution that worked fine on my pc for x around 100k-500k and I wanted to check if it was efficient enough for the tests here but it gives me "list assingment index out of range" errors :(
    It's propably something different between range() in python 2 and python 3 but I also tried it in codeacademy which I think uses 2.7 and it worked fine there too :\

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    Noob question here. I pass some of the tests really fast but then I instantly get Memory Error. Could anyone suggest what might be the problem? Usually when the code is too slow it gives me a time out notice because it took more than the specified amount of seconds to execute but this seems diferent.

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    Was that listsception really necessary? I was thinking that there must be something different with the sum function in 2.7 untill I read the comments.
    Sneaky Suzuki :P