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    At the end I managed to pass the test just making a few attempts until luckily there wasn't any failed test (god know why)

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    Yes, pretty sure that is a rounding problem. Try to change the order of the multiplication and the division.

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    I'm tring to figure out the point of your comment.

    Are you trying to boast that your a better programmer than me, that's very likely, this is only a hobby for me, I'm likely a better forklift driver than you.

    Are you trying to say that I didn't need to post this comment, if so, I hope you understand the irony of posting a pointless comment to point out a pointless comment.

    Or are you just trying to push points about things I already knew?

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    I have a same problem with JS,I just stuck on the case :Test.assert_equals(michael_pays(5), 3.33). Can you please fix it?

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    Im stucked with my solution. It currently passes all the tests except 1 or 2 depending on the random tests. My solution and the expected one only differs in the second decimal digit (i.e 10.02 expecting 10.03). Could it be because of round function?