  • def calculate_square_sums(list_squares):
        # vladosiks_mosiks solution
        Владислав = [0]
        result = []
        for Владислав in list_squares:
        # Continuation (Andrii Khukhrianskii) Path 1
            #result.append(Владислав[0] * Владислав[1])
        # Unpack (Распаковка) - Сохранения выражений в несколько переменных
            side_1, side_2 = Владислав 
            result.append(side_1 * side_2)
        return result
        # Andrii Khukrianskii solution
        # Генератор списков (List Comprehension)
        return [sides[0] * sides[1] for sides in list_squares]
    • def calculate_square_sums(list_squares):
    • """
    • # vladosiks_mosiks solution
    • Владислав = [0]
    • result = []
    • for Владислав in list_squares:
    • # Continuation (Andrii Khukhrianskii) Path 1
    • #result.append(Владислав[0] * Владислав[1])
    • # Unpack (Распаковка) - Сохранения выражений в несколько переменных
    • side_1, side_2 = Владислав
    • result.append(side_1 * side_2)
    • return result
    • """
    • # Andrii Khukrianskii solution
    • # Генератор списков (List Comprehension)
    • return [sides[0] * sides[1] for sides in list_squares]

Нужно написать функцию, которая будет подсчитывать площади прямоугольников

На вход (пример):

[[5, 8], [4, 10], [15, 40]] -> [40, 40, 600]


You need to write a function that will count the areas of squares


[[5, 8], [4, 10], [15, 40]] -> [40, 40, 600]

def calculate_square_sums(list_squares):
  • def count_sheeps(sheeps):
        Vladosiks_mosiks solution
        print(sum(1 for w in sheeps.split() if w.rstrip(',.!?:;') == 'True'))
        return 0
        # Andrii Khukhrianskii solution (Path 1)
        # return sheeps.count(True) 
        # Andrii Khukhrianskii solution (Path 2)
        limit = 0
        for sheep in sheeps: # [False, False, False.....]
            if not sheep:
                limit += 1
        return len(sheeps[limit::])
    • def count_sheeps(sheeps):
    • '''
    • Vladosiks_mosiks solution
    • print(sum(1 for w in sheeps.split() if w.rstrip(',.!?:;') == 'True'))
    • return 0
    • '''
    • # Andrii Khukhrianskii solution (Path 1)
    • # return sheeps.count(True)
    • # Andrii Khukhrianskii solution (Path 2)
    • sheeps.sort()
    • limit = 0
    • for sheep in sheeps: # [False, False, False.....]
    • if not sheep:
    • limit += 1
    • else:
    • break
    • return len(sheeps[limit::])

Consider an array/list of sheep where some sheep may be missing from their place. We need a function that counts the number of sheep present in the array (true means present).

For example,

[True, True, True, False,
True, True, True, True ,
True, False, True, False,
True, False, False, True ,
True, True, True, True ,
False, False, True, True]

The correct answer would be 17.

Hint: Don't forget to check for bad values like null/undefined

def count_sheeps(sheeps):