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    A) but... that's the specification... 3*3 + 2*'\n' = 11 chars, just as expected.

    B) replaceAll is available in node 15+. CW's node environment is at most 14 (for now).

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    It's not always easy to understand the error messages - here the 82/82 means that is how many tests you completed before the time-out limit (of 12seconds/12000ms).

    In fact there are 100 large random tests, so you are missing 18 out of 100. Your code needs to be a bit faster, or - more likely - you need a more efficient general approach.

    edit- there are 100 large random tests in Python, I just noticed you are working in JavaScript so exact number might be different - in any case, the general comment is correct. Probably your approach is too inefficient, and the kata wants you to find a faster way to solve it.