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    Ah ok, thank you, that helps. I'll look for the easier lamdba questions. I just finished my first 4kyu kata(a different one), it was tough, glad to know it's supposed to be that much harder than 6kyu.

    For what it's worth, I was using JS. Thanks for the help :)

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    If you've never heard of Lambda Calculus before, it should not come as a complete surprise you'd have trouble solving a 4kyu kata.

    You don't mention in which language you're solving; any language in which Lambda Calculus is embedded may make things more complicated, but even if you're solving directly in Lambda Calculus, there's still nuances of the compiler and the syntax.

    The kata doesn't even attempt to explain Church numerals; it assumes quite a lot of domain knowledge actually. Maybe it's actually worth 4kyu. :P

    If you have specific questions, don't hesitate to ask. If you're completely groping in the dark, this just is not the kata for you ( yet ). There are other kata that do a better job of introducing Lambda Calculus and datatype encodings.

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    I've never heard of lambda calculus before. I researched it for a while and entered what I thought would be the correct answer and syntext, it throws errors but doesn't tell me anything aside from that. I feel the examples in the discription doesn't help and the test program just tells me if everything is correct or not but no details.
    I guess my questions are: Is it obvious what it's asking for and the syntex it wants it in? Is the test program discriptive and helpful but i'm not understanding how to use it? If either of these are yes could someone give me some tips for understanding it?

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    I'm still new to this, so sorry if this sounds dumb, isn't '...s' using an undefined variable 's'? If it's not then what is '...s' doing?

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    • Dashes and Underscores should both be replaced, this can be done with a fairly simple line.
      I would suggest googling " regex replace character with another". This should also
      help take care of leading and ending underscores on it's own.

    • regardless of input Camel Case words should always have lowercase letters aside from first letter
      of every word starting from second word.

    • This is my first post on codeWars. If I have by anychance done anything against posting convention
      please let me know.