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    @g964,what happens when someone reaches the end of the alphabet and there are no more available letters to shift to? Do we throw an error? For example, if the letter is "Y" is to be rotated twice then we reach the end of the array.

    Thank you!

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    I had to re-read the description multiple times and I think I finally got it, @g964!

    Initially, I had these questions:

    1. Shift each letter by a given number but the transformed letter must be a letter (circular shift):
    • Are you talking about rotating each letter to the right or the left? Also, what are we transforming in step 1?
      When you say, circular shift, the way I look at it is here -> "BORN IN 2015!" becomes "!BORN IN 2015". Also, again, not clear whether we are shifting to the left or to the right.

    Right now, I understand that you meant shift letters alphabetically.."B" becomes "C", "O" - > "P" and etc.

    1. Replace each digit by its complement to 9:
      This became clear after I googled it.

    All the other steps are clear now, too...


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    Can someone who solved this kata provide a much more detailed description? English is my second language and I am realy struggling what this kata is asking for! Otherwise, I'd have to skip, but it looks very interesting.

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    Hi! Unfortunately, I can't pass this kata in JS, because of some random tests that are not passing when I click Attempt, even though all my main tests are passing. Can someone please help?