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  • Custom User Avatar

    You're not printing the input values there.

    def scramble(s1, s2):
        # your code here
        print(s1, s2)

    Use that.

  • Default User Avatar

    No hes talking about the other tests, I had the same issue. heres a attachted screen shot of the logs:

  • Default User Avatar

    You can see in the sample tests that this case should return true:

    describe('Example Tests', function(){
  • Custom User Avatar

    it does'nt and i am not misreading the logs.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Not a kata issue. That test expects True, you're misreading the logs, please read this:

  • Custom User Avatar

    My code works absolutely correct but your checking is wrong. I got it to log your str1 and str2 and my answer your

    str1 = scriptingjava
    str2 = javascript
    MY_ANSWER = javascript

    !should return False

    why should it return false?