Try using the absolute value of the radius. Mathematically, a negative radius would correspond to every angle theta resulting in (-r * cos(theta), -r * sin(theta)). As a circle is perfectly round, the shape is constant: a circle of radius r is the same as a circle of radius -r.
The test cases shouldn't include negative radii, as I agree they don't make much sense. Which language are you attempting the kata in? One of the language translations might be flawed.
Thank you very much, Souzooka. I passed the C# translation with only minimal checks to be sure it worked. Next time I receive a translation request I'll look more thoroughly into it. Nevertheless, thank you very much for fixing up the problems! :)
Thank you! I'll disable Math.log10 now. I figured there must have been something that I had forgot.
I also changed the undefined check to a NaN check. For some reason I had forgotten about the isNaN function, but it's necessary to check for NaN values.
No problem. Thanks for translating it!
Try using the absolute value of the radius. Mathematically, a negative radius would correspond to every angle theta resulting in (-r * cos(theta), -r * sin(theta)). As a circle is perfectly round, the shape is constant: a circle of radius r is the same as a circle of radius -r.
The test cases shouldn't include negative radii, as I agree they don't make much sense. Which language are you attempting the kata in? One of the language translations might be flawed.
This should work. Perhaps the translation is flawed.
I'll see about getting a different, https diagram.
It should work. What's your code?
Thank you very much, Souzooka. I passed the C# translation with only minimal checks to be sure it worked. Next time I receive a translation request I'll look more thoroughly into it. Nevertheless, thank you very much for fixing up the problems! :)
Thank you, Voile, for approving!
Thank you, Swittkopf the Great and Mighty! I'll see about adding a diagram, too.
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Also disabled
. I'll look into the other suggestions you have given me.Thank you for your help :)
Thank you! I'll disable Math.log10 now. I figured there must have been something that I had forgot.
I also changed the undefined check to a NaN check. For some reason I had forgotten about the isNaN function, but it's necessary to check for NaN values.
Thank you :)
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