Seems both words are valid. "Randomise is the preferred British spelling, related words are randomises, randomised, randomising and randomisation. Randomize and randomise are examples of a group of words that are spelled with a “z” in American or North American English and with an “s” in British English."
Sorry, fixed now :)
fixed and re-published
Interesting kata :) Maybe you would like to make a kata with 100 digits ? :D
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Hi. Republished :)
Added apostrophe(') to fixed tests. Changed random tests, where random words now are rapidly increasing. Thanks for your suggestions.
Should i add these in fixed tests ? JS tests doesn't have special characters.
Seems both words are valid. "Randomise is the preferred British spelling, related words are randomises, randomised, randomising and randomisation. Randomize and randomise are examples of a group of words that are spelled with a “z” in American or North American English and with an “s” in British English."
PHP translation
PHP translation
Added single qoutes in assert messages next to input.
4th time is the charm :)
because if you generate for example 'l' once and generate on the next iteration 'l' triple times, you get 4 consecutive strings.
Thank you for your suggestions. I made improvements based on every suggestion you have mentioned.
PHP translation
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