
improved tokens to include whitespace

  • text=lambda d="description ",k=" Kata or Kumite ",r=" return",s=" symbols ": f"Compress large text - {d}of this{k}in small code.\nThis{k}{d}has 462{s}in 3 line, without title. You should wrote function,{r} this text, but you should use less{s}in you'r code that this text. Simple solution - just{r} \"\"\"source text\"\"\". More smart variant is: do mark often word as special{s}and replace his before{r}.\nHow small code can be? Can you wrote more compressing? Let's check it!"
    • text=lambda d="description",k="Kata or Kumite",r="return",s="symbols": f"Compress large text - {d} of this {k} in small code.
    • This {k} {d} has 462 {s} in 3 line, without title. You should wrote function, {r} this text, but you should use less {s} in you'r code that this text. Simple solution - just {r} \"\"\"source text\"\"\". More smart variant is: do mark often word as special {s} and replace his before {r}.
    • How small code can be? Can you wrote more compressing? Let's check it!"
    • text=lambda d="description ",k=" Kata or Kumite ",r=" return",s=" symbols ": f"Compress large text - {d}of this{k}in small code.
    • This{k}{d}has 462{s}in 3 line, without title. You should wrote function,{r} this text, but you should use less{s}in you'r code that this text. Simple solution - just{r} \"\"\"source text\"\"\". More smart variant is: do mark often word as special{s}and replace his before{r}.
    • How small code can be? Can you wrote more compressing? Let's check it!"
  • s = lambda a,b: a.__sub__(b)
    • def s(a,b): return a.__sub__(b)
    • s = lambda a,b: a.__sub__(b)