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    This problem is amazing. I don't think I'll ever be writing functions the same way again.

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    There's a different way to define the function that would bring your code well within the limit

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    For one of the tests, the required output is [18, 20, 0] but the code outputs values 18.333333333333332 19.99999999999993 59.99999999999574, so surely the correct values rounded down to the nearest second would be [18, 19, 59]? If we had to round up that would make sense, but that would mess up a lot of other results too. Also, how do I get different numbers of tests wrong with each attempt given my code doesn't get edited at all between attempts? This is all in python 3.6.0 by the way, any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Edit: If I hardcode in the [18, 20, 0] solution, all the tests get passed, so I think this is the only test that may need to be fixed if my issue is valid. I didn't submit the code since that shouldn't be a valid method to pass.