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    Slight edit might be required from the Instruction page:

    This line:

    If there aren't enough spare chairs available, return

    Should be updated to:

    If there aren't enough spare chairs available, return 'Not enough!'

    i.e. missing the 'Not enough!'

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    Great Kata series!
    Not sure if it's just me, the hyperlinks to the other challenges in the series doesn't seem to work. e.g.

    The Office I - Outed
    The Office II - Boredeom Score
    The Office III - Broken Photocopier
    The Office IV - Find a Meeting Room
    The Office V - Find a Chair

    More than happy to fix this myself (if it is indeed an actual bug and not just me) - not sure how to do the edit though. Any tips?

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    When I changed the test case to like this the code fails?

    var arr = [10, 12, 10, 8, 12, 7, 6, 4, 10, 12];
    Test.assertSimilar( highestRank(arr), 12);