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    is there any difference between this two very similar solutions?

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    Use spoiler flag next time.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    When creating large dictionaries, I use Excel.


    A1 = key, B1 = : , C1 = value

    Copy for each set (next set would be in row 2, then 3 and so on)

    D1 = CONCAT(A1,B1,CHAR(34),C1,CHAR(34),IF(D2="","",","))

    ---Hold the bottom right corner of D1 and drag down to Auto-Fill (in my example, drag to D5)

    ---result is key:"value" if the cell below is empty, otherwise it will be key:"value",

    ---CHAR(34) is for the quotes


    Example= key + : + " + value + " + (if cell below is empty: "" else ",") = key:"value",

    E1 = CONCAT("{",D1:D5,"}") #D5 would be my last row

    result = {key:"value",key:"value",key:"value"...}

    Keep the sheet and re-use for other dictionaries. Just update the D1:D5 range.

    Let me show you for this kata:

    A1 = 1, B1 = : C1 = "kiwi" and so on...


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    Thanks. After I read this, I knew exactly what to do!