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    Yeah, you're right. At some point this kumite changed into testing whether or not the number is even.

    As for the power_of_two, I think that the first solution was the best one:
    return n & ( n - 1 ) == 0

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    This kata definitely consists of two tasks:

    1. Figuring out, what bad means.
    2. Solving performance issues.

    First part is a nice puzzle. As for the second one, it's pretty easy to come around with a fixed array of bad integers. This array can either be hardcoded or calculated outside of the function. Both these ways feel like cheating to me.

    So it's kinda weird: you have some performance problems to deal with, but they can be solved with the same computational complexity (linear) as the dumb algorithm, just changing the order a little bit.

    IHMO, you should either remove the performance part from this kata (so that the stupid solutions like sum(1 if is_bad(i) else 0 for i in range(a, b+1)) work), or require a solution of logarithmic complexity.

    Or maybe you can split this kata in two: the first one will be very simple allowing the most obvious solution, but the second one should pose the performance problem to its full.

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    Some user came up with pretty clever solution using eval. While it is really cool, I feel like it goes agains the spirit of this kata. Maybe you should prohibit using ofeval too?

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    I don't want to be intrusive, but i would really appreciate any comments about the translation. Thanks in advance.

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    In Swift version the test does forced unwrapping of the result of the function without testing it to nil, which can lead to a runtime error. It's hard to understand what is going on in this case. You should compare the result to nil before unwrapping it.

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    Swift version. I added return [] to the body and tried to run. The result was:

    Assertion failed: file setup.swift, line 4

    Looks like the test is broken.

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    Swift translation
    This is my first attempt to translate a kata on Codewars. Please review and let me know about the problems. Thanks.

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    This solution was tested on 10_000 random values
    The result was expected to be the same, as my C++ solution.

    This is my first translation, so if i've done any mistakes, please let me know.

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    Thanks, now everything is fine, and I solved the kata.
    BTW, it's interestig and fun, but WAY too easy for 4 kyu, IMHO.

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    After resetting the solution I press the Run-Sample-Test button and get:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 1, in <module>
        from solution import *
      File "/home/codewarrior/", line 2
    IndentationError: unexpected indent

    What am i doing wrong?

  • Default User Avatar

    I totally agree, it's way too easy for 4 kyu.

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    The two pass solution, which is mentioned in the description of the kata, is probably the most efficient, and it's not that hard to come up with, IMHO.

  • Default User Avatar

    Very clever and interesting kata, enjoyed it a lot, thanks to the authors.
    But it's a little easy for a 3 kyu, isn't it?

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