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    Rust fixed in this fork

    Other languages do not have such cases in fixed and random tests (Dart && PowerShell already handled in editor), closing

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    Check what happens when you try to round following numbers: 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5.

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    I'm sorry I don't understand what you are both saying, about nearing to the "nearest even integer" (it's probably because of my lack of mathematical knowledge).

    In Python, as far as I know, if you try to round let's say 4.6, it will give you 5, which is the "nearest integer" (not even), just like it's specified in the statement.

    What am I missing?

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    Well, exactly this is the case when &Vec<Vec<>> is better. I've started with

    type Matrix = Vec<Vec<i32>>;

    but then decided not to overcomplicate the code. We have a matrix type here, represented with Vec<Vec<>>, not an arbitrary slice of Vecs.

    Also, there's nothing wrong with negatives in matrix, they should be allowed, but I don't see any actual reason to test them.

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    Oh, about that (I guess we're getting nitpicky): you never use negative numbers, so the type should probably be a u32 instead of i32. Also, I believe it's good form to use &[&Vec...] instead of &Vec<Vec...> as the parameter type, though that is obviously more for real world applications instead of kata, where the type is always a Vec.

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    Added better diagnostic messages.

    Fixed the incorrect function definition in solution setup.

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    Your assertions need proper messages to communicate to the user what the input and what their output was. You can refer to the tests in this kata for a comprehensive breakdown of recommended authoring practices in Rust.

    I see you've authored a few Rust translations; may I suggest that you go back and apply this fix to all of them?

    On a different note, the description is terribly JS/Python-centric, and could benefit from being made language agnostic (or by structuring properly with language blocks). Maybe you'd like to take that on as part of this translation.

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    this is now untrue, isomorphism is available :)

    Should be marked as resolved

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    Something about the kata has to be changed, because having three issues a week definitely is not a sign of a good challenge.

    It calculated 1.5 issues/week. However, I probably, maybe, possibly, uncertainly, likely used intermediate fractions in calculating the average, so you might actually be right, or even more wrong, would have to ask the author.

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    • Added a few more sample tests covering a wider spectrum of inputs.
    • Made random tests use proper random numbers that will not overflow
    • Changed assertion output to be as beginner-friendly as possible
    • Changed solution setup. It now does not result in a compiler error (which would make this kata unique, since every other kata is required to have the solution setup compile out of the box), and instead produces incorrect values.
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    Indeed, I should have tested my suggestion before asserting that it actually works.

    Anyway, I've forked the translation and changed a few things.

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    Yeah, I wanted to avoid overflow, but that didn't work. Thanks for catching that.

    I've tried your suggestion, but b ended up as 0 or 1 in most cases.

    I've also added assertion messages.

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