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    The description and test cases have been updated to no longer request an output of "Blackjack!" but instead just request 21, to better match the rules of Blackjack

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    This was a problem in the random testing that has now been fixed, good catch

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    Python basic tests require output as an Integer while the random tests require output as a string. I had to hardcode my solution to match the poor testing.

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    Typo in Python function template def soltion(): should be def solution():

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    It's nice to have some regex practice, I feel this skill can easily go neglected.

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    Definitely the kind of Kata that forces you to look at the functions in a new way. Gave me a breakthrough moment that was much needed!

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    Python won't display a single output on seperate lines unless a string spefically contains a line break, you can't tell seperate array elements to display on seperate lines in a single return.

    To get the function to return the tower with the breaks already included, you will have to turn it in to a string.

    return "\n".join(tower)

    Otherwise when calling the function you will need to do something along the lines of this, to make each floor display on its own line.

    for floor in tower_builder(10):