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    i have some difficult to know where to stop to calculate the len of the string
    because the string do not finish with a 0 or a '\0'

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    Okk i see, thanks you for your message, i will ask on the discord and i aleady see that people are nice and explain well for newbie like me x);

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    Oh 1 other thing - as soon as 2 "Issues" are raised on a Beta kata, it is immediately sent back to Draft status (in case you are wondering why this has happened to your kata).

    This can be a good thing for kata author because it prevents a kata from having many negative/down votes during the beta process (which will kill the chance that it gets approved).

    Instead, back in Draft status, you can take the time to address Issues without risking down votes.

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    Hi @AzerX2 - just to say 2 things: #1 welcome to Codewars since September and #2 it's nice to see you contribute to the site by making katas.

    Creating katas is a difficult process however, because as B1ts mentioned there are many duplicates which in some cases are really hard to find (because of naming conventions and/or only being available in certain programming languages) but it is a really enjoyable and rewarding process.

    Therefore, what is generally recommended is that you should check out the Codewars Discord - there is a dedicated channel called #help-author.

    In there, you can ask "early questions" like "hey guys does anyone know if there is a kata already on Collatz/Syracuse conjecture?" or ask "more advanced questions" like requesting help for designing tests and reviewing.

    It's not a perfect system but it will save you lots of time (from having your hard work be cancelled due to duplicate issue) and allow you to more easily identify productive ideas for katas that the Codewars community is interested in.

    There are even some baguettes who can help improve franglais in descriptions also ;)

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    i see, i search syracus and i don't find anything but it's logical because syracuse is the french name,
    do you think it's better to delete this kata ? and thanks for your help !

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    yeah i forgot thanks ^^

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    Your final tests should also include some fixed tests, just like in "Sample tests" section.

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    Description states that numbers will be positive, yet random tests are also generating negative numbers. To make things worse, it's not documented how such case should be handled.

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    Thanks for your response
    i will modify it

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    [Python] Some issues with the current setup:

    • Function naming does not follow PEP 8 convention
    • The task is trivial and solvable by directly invoking the equivalent library function
    • Lacking tests for edge cases (e.g. n = 0) and random tests

    Please see Creating your first Kata for a comprehensive guide on how to author a high-quality Kata.