@cliffstamp: you're the most counterproductive approver here, man. And yes, this is supposed to be an issue and not a suggestion, so that the edit panel stays accessible to PUs if needed.
Just an opinion, but I think the quality of this kata can be vastly improved by having test cases with a wider variety of elements than just the three in the example test case.
Python translation
Please review and approve. (Kata creator inactive)
@cliffstamp: you're the most counterproductive approver here, man. And yes, this is supposed to be an issue and not a suggestion, so that the edit panel stays accessible to PUs if needed.
Very similar kata https://www.codewars.com/kata/56ae72854d005c7447000023
Just an opinion, but I think the quality of this kata can be vastly improved by having test cases with a wider variety of elements than just the three in the example test case.