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    Hello, thank you for your proposition of help !
    I have fixed my problem (I haven't really understood what was wrong but a little refacto did the job ^^)
    Two last tests to valid and I will attempt my work ;-)
    Thanks again, very nice and challenging kata !!

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    If you want to paste your code and mark it as spoiler, than I can have a look for you.

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    Hello, I have a problem here I don't understand :
    I have made a proposition what should return the expected array of results but the Sample tests return this error :

    Expected: '['1', '1', '2', '3', '5', '8']', instead got: 'undefined'

    It's very weird because I have put a "console.log(output)" just before my final "return output", and it displays the correct array before the alert...

    Has anyone already had this strange issue ?

    Very interesting kata btw
    But perhaps a little hard for a 5 kyu ranked... :-)

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    Oh my bad, I'm such a newbie here :-)
    And I haven't even thought people could cheat on a website like Codewars and on a so easy Kata, but I am pretty naive sometimes ^^
    Thanks again for your recommandation and help, I'm gonna unpublish this kata and be more rigorous the next times.
    Have a nice continuation Avanta, maybe we will talk again in the future !

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    You need random tests to stop people hardcoding the test cases. Eg:
    However, there's probably no point to do that now as this kata will almost certainly not come out of beta.

    Duplicates: 1. 2.

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    Thank you for your feedback Avanta.
    I haven't found any duplicate of this Kata but if I will, np I will unpublish mine.
    I don't understand what do you mean by "random tests"... Have I missed one functionnality when I wrote my tests ?
    Thanks for your help !

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    Hi Johan, thank you for your suggestion !
    In fact I don't speak English fluently enough so sorry for this dumb mistake hahaha !
    Moreover, I experimented the "Create your Kata" functionality with this one, my first one...
    Why should I unpublish it instead of just fix the mistake ?
    And I am not sure about what you mean by "duplicates"... You mean a similar Kata already exists ?
    If it does, I haven't found it with the search engine...

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    Might be easier to find the duplicates if you'd use the correct term "multiply", instead of "multiplicate".

    ( But honestly, don't fix that. Just unpublish this. )

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    No random tests and almost certainly a duplicate.

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    Your first var numArr is useless, isn't it ?
    Good work, btw !

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    Same for me :-(
    All the tests are working but too slow to be submitted...