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    Yea, this is strange. It passes other test cases, it's only failing on tests marked "Should work for random arrays". So for random array arr => [71,66,23,31,64,30,24,19,56,9,14,53,62,5,27,33,4,57,58,16,68,47,21,38,78,70,7,50,76,28,55,73,32,8,35,37,72,13,17,59,74,20,77,40,69,61,6,65,18,63,1,2,54,25,11,43,29,36]
    The test returns: ✘ Expected: '', instead got: '1-2, 4-9, 11, 13-14, 16-21, 23-25, 27-33, 35-38, 40, 43, 47, 50, 53-59, 61-66, 68-74, 76-78'

    So as a test, I returned '' in my code and all (20) test cases for "Should work for random arrays" passed. And the others failed. Which I expected.
    Example: arr => [39,25,48,29,14,30,28,49,52,38,17,47,53,51,37,16,10,4,7,5,35,33,23,42,60,8,13,59,34,6,11,19,45,15,50,1,54,31,43,3,46,18,20]

                ✔  Test Passed: Value == ''

    This is weird. I will try again and see if I have better luck.

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    I'm failing the random test cases and I can't figure out what the issue is. For example, on Input array: [27,13,12,29,53,41,24,20,19,40,44,31,5,36,25,50,15,22,30,26,17,21,11,32,38,43,46,34,18,14,39,35,3,51,33]
    I get the following failure message:
    Expected: '', instead got: '3, 5, 11-15, 17-22, 24-27, 29-36, 38-41, 43-44, 46, 50-51, 53'

    Why is it expecting an empty string? What am I missing?

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    Thanks Steve!!

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    Hi Steve,
    I see in a thread below, you were going to limit the max values of n and l to 100 and 15 respectively in the random tests. Has this been done?
    I am attempting the kata in javascript. The test fails on big numbers. Example input: n=84 and l = 64.

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    Interesting kata. That "no loop" restriction threw me off.

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