I was talking about the mathematical "theory" of which you were complaining. I believe an average 10-12 group person is aware of what perfect power is.
The input is coded as compass directions: n, s, e, w. It's usually a good idea to choose variable names that match the semantics of the program and its data.
Read the instructions of the program, it has to be GREATER than the window value.
parameter a is smallest , and b the largest , theres no need to sort ...
You will like https://www.codewars.com/kata/52bb6539a4cf1b12d90005b7 this kata then :) // It's battleship field validator.
Tried to find your solution, but unsuccessfully.
Because that would be too easy I guess? Apparently children know how to determine perfect powers.....
I was talking about the mathematical "theory" of which you were complaining. I believe an average 10-12 group person is aware of what perfect power is.
Just because this is too elementary(infact primary school stuff).
Just another test. But I forget why I named it that. Perhaps my original reference solution failed for this test.
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The input is coded as compass directions: n, s, e, w. It's usually a good idea to choose variable names that match the semantics of the program and its data.