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    Apologies for the delay - updated back to [0].

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    Oh no my implementation (like most implementations actually I assume) would actually be simpler without this 0 constraint. I wrote the description and classes before writing a solution, so my implementation didn't have any impact on any of those. I just thought it would be almost equally likely in the development of a game like this to be decided to have a 0 (for any reason) rather than an empty array.

    Yeah I mean I agree it's not good to generalize bad designs, but I feel like katas are more to train coding itself than design decisions. And in this context, flexibility is a good skill to train.

    But yeah sure, I'll change it, I'm not really attached to that part of the challenge anyway

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    Thanks! I will switch to that

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    Oops, looks like I was testing my tests and forgot to re-enable them for the randomly generated ones... That explains it! I've addressed most of your comments btw (tried to make the description more explicit)

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    I agree, with my "rather than" I was trying to imply "even if it is less semantic and intuitive than".

    "By design" in this case for me means "What has been decided for this project", which could be for example because most Picross games do show a 0 next to empty rows rather than leaving the clues empty (although I agree that this should rather be done when the clues get displayed rather than being actually internally represented by a 0). I added this as one of these maybe slightly suboptimal real-world type of constraints.

    I'm open to change it in the kata if there is a strong opinion against it, but in the end this is really just a convention, so I do not think this is that much of a problem as long as it is clearly specified.

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    Thanks!! Apologies, I completely missed that one.

    And yeah the random tests are generating non-square grids, so I am unsure why they would work. I think my tests were generating wrong solutions which happened to match yours maybe? Not entirely sure

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    Yeah I do think that "value" is still ok as for me it doesn't necessary imply any type. For example in my head even a function could be considered the "value" of a variable.

    But it does depends on everyone's definition of value and I agree that a portion of people would misinterpret it as being a number. I will try to clarify!

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    Hi! Yes sorry, I tried to also indicate it through the initial solution but I understand that this is likely not clear enough, I will try to make it clearer.

    The class was to try to be closer to a real-world project, in which people around you (your project's management team, your coworkers, ...) might take decisions like this. This could be justified by saying that for example to make a playable game later it helps to have some available functions (I didn't add any in this case but you could imagine for example adding prototype functions to automatically keep track of which rows / columns have been filled and show that to the user) - and some people / businesses would prefer to have it that way rather than a collection of independant functions to which you would need to always pass the clues object.

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    Forgot the word "position" in one of the error. An updated solution has been posted.