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    @g964 - that makes more sense now, thanks!

    @g964 and @natan - if you want the description to reference a generic data structure, then wouldn't the term "collection" be a better choice? As in, "return a collection of the squares that can be made from the rectangle." Because the description currently reads "return an array or string", which causes the reader to focus on those two specific data types.

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    It is difficult to determine what data type you are supposed to return (list or array) because the instructions and test code say array, but the submission window has the return type as list. I would recommend changing the submission window to have the return type as array so that it's consistent with the rest of the intsructions/test code. Otherwise, I enjoyed this Kata

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    Ok, I see how I misinterpreted the prompt. I would recommend including a statement similar to "Note: Reversing the order of the bytes is not the same as simply reversing the given input array" to avoid confusion.

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    Very good kata, and as I said in a reply to another person I think it's perfectly situated. I am still a beginning programmer, so my initial solution worked but not fast enough. However, thankfully I was able to figure out a better way that was still within my grasp (I don't yet know all the cool LINQ techniques that most of the advanced programmers use on these katas). I think this is a good point in a person'r learning to start thinking more carefully about algorithm efficiency, so once again I think this is a perfectly placed kata.

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    I might agree if there wasn't a time limit. Still trying to get my solution more efficient, and it's timing out at ~2500ms. When I time my solution locally, I have to use an array of 100 million numbers before I get to that kind of run time. So I know my solution works, just that whatever test case they're throwing at me is bigger than 100 million. And for a beginning programmer such as myself, knowing all the optimization tricks is not a reasonable expectation. So I think this is good at 6kyu.

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    I still don't think the instructions are clear (as of May 2020). dlcoe's explanation of the sorting/rotating through each string being first in the order makes more sense, but is not included in the main Kata description. Also, the method of sorting the result array is not clear - I had to re-read the problem about 10 times before I understood that the result array is arranged simply based on the original, unsorted input array, which is counter-intuitive given how many times you are asked to sort the input array within the main body of the problem. Finally, in the example you show "1234" as being at the top of the first list (top left), which, if the sorting/rotating through each string being first described by dlcoe is correct, then 1234 should be the at the top of the last list (bottom right).