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    The tests in c++ version are written horribly. How should I debug my solution, if no output to cout or cerr is getting actually written in test reports?
    I mean, I can debug it in my terminal and vim, but that kinda defeats the whole purpose of the web-site. Pls, fix

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    Is c++ version broken? Function composition throws bad_function_call, and matrix_mult gives expected: [unsupported_type, ...] and so is the answer.
    Max test works, while min fails. I wonder, why are so many any_cast's in tests?

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    I am looking on log that is above my code.
    And yes, I've read comments for more than a minute and spent two hours of thinking and coding, so, please, keep your assumptions about my time away.
    This was not helpful at all.
    Thanks anyways for replying.

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    I don't get it..
    Input: a = {2,2,3}, b = {4,9,9}. b is obviously not a squared.
    Expected: true.....

    While my last version was checking if all elements in b are squares of some number in a, this failed another similar test.

    I don't get the point of this exersise.