My solution doesn't pass the Test Case, while it correctly passes the Submition. Something is wrong with the Test Case, especially with printing and logging right after printing.
Rotating in place isn't checked.
The output should be done "in place", while even without change of input value (matrix value), the output is marked as correct, which is simply wrong. This is major issue.
There are typos in the description. I remember currently only one "hugh" instead of "huge"
My solution doesn't pass the Test Case, while it correctly passes the Submition. Something is wrong with the Test Case, especially with printing and logging right after printing.
You're 100% right. I've misread it.
Well, the output should be non-negative integers while in this solutions there is no checking whether it is non-negative.
matrix = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
print matrix
this is how you should check whether rotation has been done in place (meaning: changing input data)
Rotating in place isn't checked.
The output should be done "in place", while even without change of input value (matrix value), the output is marked as correct, which is simply wrong. This is major issue.