
I think it is too odd when one have to use IF to return TRUE or FALSE... So I explictly converted the value to boolean and returned it, bypassing an unwanted if statement.

That said, I noticed that this does not cover when a property's value can be zero or FALSE.

As you consider '' as an unwanted value, I suppose the same goes for 0 and FALSE, which I think is an odd thing to assume.

  • function validateProperty(objectForValidate, specificProperty) {
      return Boolean(objectForValidate[specificProperty]);
    • function validateProperty(objectForValidate, specificProperty) {
    • if(objectForValidate[specificProperty]){
    • return true;
    • } else{
    • return false;
    • }
    • return Boolean(objectForValidate[specificProperty]);
    • }
Data Types

The original solution did not cover for empty string.
Also, you can remove completly the sum part from the reduce as to make it simpler to read.

  • const sum = (a,b) => a+b;
    const getSum = array => array.reduce(sum,0);
    • const getSum = array => array.reduce((acc, i) => acc + i)
    • const sum = (a,b) => a+b;
    • const getSum = array => array.reduce(sum,0);