  • Default User Avatar

    Tests contains contradictory tests.
    One says if budget = 0 then return = ""
    Other says if budget = 0 then return = "0"

  • Custom User Avatar

    Ruby should be updated to 3.0

  • Default User Avatar

    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

  • Custom User Avatar

    You can simplify the Haskell tests:

    it "works for random positive integers" $ property $ \(Positive budget) ->
      forAll (listOf1 $ oneOf [choose (4900, 5000), choose (28, 299)]) $ \prices ->            
        search budget prices `shouldBe` searchSol budget prices

    Or, to actually test arbitrary positive integers:

    it "works for random positive integers" $ property $ \(Positive budget) ->
      forAll (fmap (map getPositive) arbitrary) $ \prices ->            
        search budget prices `shouldBe` searchSol budget prices