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    Solving tip != kata suggestion

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    L comment I won't lie

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    so true

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    Remember that if student have more that 5 "clases" and scored B+ in each one score will be 200 points

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    The same happened to me , on the easy Tests casses , I don't now if it's my code or the Kata's problem.
    but the solution got accepted at last :) .

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    fixed in python.

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    Thanks to your comment i found about this kata, took me a good couples of minutes but i figured it out.
    Try to read it carerfully, i didn't understand why i was failing until i read the part which says that the student gains 20pts more if they have 5 courses or more with grades of B or A only. Also the part which says that the points are capped at 200, which i also forgot and was giving me false positives. Maybe rewrite the code? Anyhow, good luck!

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    may26,2023 10:12 - the code i wrote after attempt, number of failed testcases are 3, again i clicked on attempt, failed testcases are increasing decreasing[3,5,4,1,3,5.....]. and each time, one testcase is failed, the other time previous one getting passed, and passed testcase failing....
    may26,2023 10:18 - after rechecking code and trying many attempt(same code) finally it accepted πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜΅πŸ˜΅

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    i dont say im a pro, but
    till now what i've observed is.... most calculation problems have solution in the description itself, after we find answer and re-read the question there is mentioned every process to solve....but its too late to know.
    and coming to other... description mentions one basic timed out process, we follow same and we end up timed out....but if we can carefully understand the example we get to know there's a pattern to follow, just for "Don't Drink the Water" problem, i was doing blindly and exceeding 30min....1hour....later i was about to skip the ques, then for a final try i wanted to check one testcase seiously, then i got the zimik(just a word for pattern/clue) and applied it, no timed out, just cleared all cases....... if anyone reads this comment...thank you for your time....im a beginner...and thanks to codewars and team for providing this platform for us (beginers)

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    thats the only thing that came to my mind

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