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    I think the kata description was updated. That should explain all the solutions that check for space instead of non-alphabetical characters.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Can you pls explain what does ops[operation]() mean in this code, what is that bracket for? It can't be an IIFE since you're accessing it with an object..

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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but basically you're asking to provide every piece needed to solve the kata in the description. Where's the fun in that? (for a math kata)

    Researching is a fundamental skill everyone should develop, and those who are unsatisfied below simply have no research abilities, or expect to come up with a formula while staring at a blank screen.

    I don't like these kind of formula katas 1 bit, but providing such formulas in description would defeat the entire purpose of a kata of this type.

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    You don't seem to understand, you want to reduce this puzzle kata to this:

    • How to evaluate a mathematical expression
    • How to round the result to given decimal points in your language

    And there are a lot of other katas that do exactly that, we don't need more of those. You can not do some katas if you don't like them, nobody forces you to complete them all. Puzzles are just that, a game, not a Fundamental kata where instructions should be complete.

    Looking up for things you don't know, being coding or something else, is a skill everybody should practice.

    Geometry trivia masquerading as coding challenges is not popular

    87% of 1,961

    That's the satisfaction rating of people who solved the kata and voted from

    13,091 of 25,664 (more than 50%)

    Warriors that solved it. Popularity is relative.

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    Don't give hints please. I marked your comment as a spoiler. If it is not in the description there is a reason. Users are supposed to be able to search trivial stuff like this if they don't know it.

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    It's a puzzle, you don't need to spoonfeed it.

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    It's useless to raise an issue on an approved kata just because you think it should be retired. You feel irritated, it is maybe legitimate (I downvoted this kata when I solved it, and it doesn't happen often), but it cannot be done this way. If you want to do things seriously, and not just make noise pointlessly, you must raise an issue there:

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    The first one returns a string, that's why it fails, the second one works. And in javascript at least 1 and 1.00 are the same.

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    Language? Example of the code you think is right but fails?

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    It says in a circle, and index out of bound is shown in the examples.

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    Your own code says otherwise. You're wrong.