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    Wow. I totally overthought this one.

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    Yes, I think adding the $ might be helpful.

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    Well, where I'm from the stores would usually say "Buy 2 get one free". That presumes that the first two are being paid for and the third one is free. For me, saying "3 for 2" is like saying you are getting 3 for the price of two but there would be no free mangoes. Meaning you would get 3 mangoes for 2 dollars but 2 mangoes would not also be 2 dollars but would be $1.34 or something like that. Probably just a difference in how stores around here say things compared to how they say it wherever you are.

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    Not a great description. Took me 15 minutes to figure out what the 2 sentence description was trying to say. A simple "buy 2 mangoes get one free" would have made more sense to me anyway.

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    I have a total mess for an answer. It works, however. Getting the code to be more efficient was a little bit of a challenge. Overall though, a really good challege. I really liked this kata.

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    This is a 7 kyu IF you give some sort of description. Without that, probably a 6 kyu.

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    School is overrated. Rick and Morty

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    Check some of the older comments below this question. Lots of people ran into the same problem with their code that you are having. Read the older comments and you should be able to find the solution.

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    The description needs to be a little clearer. I had to look at the test cases to see what was wanted. After looking at the tests it was pretty clear, might want to add some of that info to the description. Other than that, pretty good kata.

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    I can't decide if I love it or hate it. Is it a cool puzzle? Yes. Does it belong here? Sure, why not. Do you have to "prepare" before writing your code? Yes, and I suppose that is not a bad thing to learn. Because if you don't, you're gonna be mad after this kata.

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    Instructions are very confusing. I figured it out, somehow, but the part in the details that say You have n * 7 tries (= n weeks) really lost me. I thought that meant you can try each "language" 7 times per week, once per day, but apparently not.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Jerry Smith says Pluto IS a planet.

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    I don't care if it doesn't really seem like a 5kyu kata. It was still fun (and practical). Who doesn't love beer can pyramids??

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    I really enjoyed this kata. Once you figure out how to keep from timing out you realize the solution is fairly simple. However, just figuring out the efficiency is the challenge.