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    Had a lot of fun with this one! One thing that tripped me up at first was that the instructions never directly mention how the achievements property works. It's easily inferred from the test examples, but it might be good to mention it directly in the training rules (e.g. " the description of the training in the warrior's achievements").

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    PHP, no sample test.

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    Your warrior's experience should be relative to his level: 300 should equal 400


    Level = 9

    Experience = 800

    Rank = Pushover

    Which value is 300?
    No way it's the experience right?

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    It says 'experinece' (mispelling) somewhere in the Python instructions.

    not sure about other languages

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    I think random tests in this kata for JS are not generated properly (can't complete kata because of this)

    All basic tests for my solution have successfully passed, but I run into this error in random tests: expected 'A good fight' to deeply equal 'An intense fight'

    I tried to log this case and here is what I have: Warrior level 8 against enemy level 7. This condition should match A good fight quote, not An intense fight

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    Can't complete the Kata because of an error in fixed test number 16 ( Python ) the warrior level is 4 and the enemy level is 2, it should be an "Easy fight", but it says it should be "A good fight", wich is wrong because the warrior is 2 levels higher than the enemy so the correct answer should be "Easy fight" and not "A good fight".

    UPDATE: I solved it by giving this especific test case what he expected, even if it was wrong, it was the answer the test case wanted.

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    Keep getting differents errors on Achievements. I make a List and "error: cannot find symbol".
    When I make a String[] the output is "[Ljava.lang.String;@568db2f2"
    The rest of the logic seems flawless. Dont know how to solve the Achievements Array

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    Hi there,
    My error code is Your warrior's experience should be relative to his level: 432 should equal 400.
    I simply don't understand what that means, the instructions clearly say that experience is cummulative and that it should never be reset.
    Can someone please explain what the error code means.

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    JS: Node v12 should be used along with the appropriate assertion tools (Mocha + Chai)

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    My 4.5Kth kata ^^ , but feels like a duplicate of this, this one should be kept IMO !!!

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    Description should be updated as the yellow colored numbers are not readable in light mode.

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    The randomness of a Monster's Stats is not tested: a deck of all 1-star monsters with [0, 0] stars still passes the tests.

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    Trap type distribution is not random enough - Expected: true, instead got: false

    What's the mean of random enough?

    I just generate three values(["Normal", "Continuous", "Counter"]) randomly.

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    My trap type distribution is as random as JS can make it - and more often than not ( litterally ) it fails your test.

    Testing for randomness it hard. So if you're going to do it, do it right. And you're not.

    Also, initial code is incorrect - missing ().