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    added to Java, JS, C#

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    what language ? added to JS

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    I know the problem. The definition of Caesar cipher you quoted is the general one. As far as I remember (the kata has many years... first translation is 7 y.o) I avoided negative shift though I am rather sure that in my solutions I wrote "my" modulo to prevent that kind of problem in some languages. For a lot of reasons (lack of time amongst others) I don't see interest to change something. Sorry:-) Maybe one day you author your own kata (some kind of variation on Caesar cipher with negative shift:-) and see the pain to try to maintain them as best as possible!

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    Could you try again? There was such a dubious case but I removed it.

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    OK. I modified the description by adding a few lines after the the first two. Please tell me what you think of that addition.

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    Edited and republished the description with a mention for Scala : "Scala : Approximation of PI with 10 or less decimals without trailing zeroes".
    I hope you will not "eat" too many of my katas;-)

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    For now CW has lots of problems; when I try to republish I only get "Internal Error". I will let you know when it has been possible.

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    What if I give the "rounding" formula as I did for some other languages: Math.round(number * 1e10) / 1e10) in the "template" solution?

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    Effectively it seems that it may happen but I don't see a "trap" with that... Nevertheless I remove the "There are no traps in this format." which in fact was about the h|m|s substrings. I also add: "Substrings in the input string are separated by , or ,". Hope that will satisfy you.

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    Please which language? Are you speaking of the input or of the output? Can you give an example?

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    ByteEater: I'm curious about where did you get that definition about the diameter of a cylinder. A cylinder is well defined given a radius or a diameter (they're implicitly referred to the base or a cut parallel to it) and a height.

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    Right! Very sorry for this thoughtlessness. A bit weird but I added in "Solution" ; return the number 0 if the number of rolls is zero in order not to invalidate existing solutions + a sample test with a 0.

    Btw, the popular wisdom is that only 1 in 10000 people who encounter a given problem complain.

    I note you are increasing the percentage:-)

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    Modified by "the diameter of the cylinder base..." though there was no problem for 3216 people:-)

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    Your interpretation of exit_time description and start=exit is correct.

    Wording of exit_time definition was specifically chosen to express interval
    openess and covers points 2 and 3 and, by extension, point 1.
    I don't believe further extension of specification is needed.

    Your solution seems to incorrectly handle case described in p. 2.

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    Yeah, was about to mention that. I found out that my solution has an overflow after successfully submitting.

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