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    Its... it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen

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    Naming the inputs x1 and x2 was quite confusing imo, had me running in circles making processes of elimination and trying to brute force the formula. Honestly made this whole thing significantly more difficult than it needs to be.

    This was more of a maths problem than anything to do with programming, but it was worded badly.

    This needs to be reworded massively.

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    This was pure plagarism and I still don't understand it

    Not from a Python perspective, but from a maths perspective

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    Sorry didn't realise I marked that as a suggestion :D

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    There is an obvious way of doing this if you can spot it, but I feel it would be better to try and learn to manipulate the data in the 'physical' way it's meant to be done.

    Else you're taking a shortcut and gaining nothing in terms of your own progress, however it's nice to learn to 'spot' these things.