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    python new test framework is required. updated in this fork

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    I keep getting an error message for the modulo program stating that " mod " is not the correct syntax. I tried substituting " % ", but it created more errors throughout the code. I'm not sure how to correct for this. Does anyone have any advice?

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    Wrong design of pseudocode -

    Set index = search_array(name, full_names, 10)

    '10' should not be a constant here

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    The following section of code is not correct:

    x_print(output_volume(5.0, calculate_volume(5.0)))

    x_print(output_volume("10.0", calculate_volume("10.0")))

    x_print(output_volume(15, calculate_volume(15)))

    In order to pass the tests the section should read as follows:

    output_volume(15.3, calculate_volume(15.3))

    output_volume("30.0", calculate_volume("30.0"))

    output_volume(15, calculate_volume(15))

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    Okay, so after going through this series with pain and horror and insanity and frustration, let me tell you why this whole series is horrible, the idea is bad, you should feel bad about it, it's the hottest garbage and it should be burnt in a fire and never looked at again:

    • Your katas has the longest wall of text ever on CW. Yay? Even Haskell katas have at most ~200 lines, and they're mostly short and concise. Your katas have like 400 or even more, and they're long and uninteresting. The time spent reading the text is many times greater than actually coding. You're destroying everyone's pace with them, hence why lots of people are frustrated with this series.
    • The psuedo code is horrible. What syntax is that? That looks like something straight out from the 50s or 60s, like cough COBOL cough or something. Even university/college teachers can do better and write cleaner psuedo code, so please git gud?
    • What you're teaching is far, far, far, faaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from what idiomatic, pythonic Python code is like, and it's more and more so towards the end of the series. A function that reads input and mutates the input array, the returning the length? Teaching the use of classes without constructors and getters/setters? Passing array and then desired subarray length into a function? These are freaking C practices, not Python. If you want to do this, stay away from Python and make C katas instead. Don't teach people writing code that doesn't suit the language he's using. You're just misguiding newbies.
    • As I've said in the earlier katas in this series, this site is CW, not Codecademy or FreeCodeCamp. Don't submit a kata that's basically "walk through a (hypothetical?) newbie with repetitive tasks", because it's not what suits the kata format. You might as well tell us code the 31st Fizzbuzz, or 43rd Fibonacci function instead. Doing repetitive tasks is only good to make one feel good, it's not good for actually learning.
    • Stop using stdin/stdout to provide interaction. Again, this is CW, not OJ sites, we provide test frameworks and test fixture injection NOT for you to still use stdio for the worst interactivity and ridiculous requirement on output preciseness anyway. It also confuses newbies about the distinction of IO actions and function input/outputs.

    Okay, this is probably all, I'm venting it all out here and never look at this pile of supernova hot garbage again. Please reflect on why you've created this in the first place and don't put such stuff into beta again. Nobody'd like such things become CW material.

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    Most of the required getter/setters are not tested at all.

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    This series of katas is straying more and more away from natural Python code and is just total garbage.

    Please unpublish this whole series of kata. It's worthless.

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    The whole kata teaches practices that is anything but Pythonic.

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    None of the code in this kata is pythonic at all.

    Is this what you want to teach newbies?

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    Description mistake:

    #            Display "Top 5 Boy and Girl Names for 2014:"
    #            Display "Boys:"
    #            Call display_array(BOYS_NAMES_2014, 5)
    #            Display "Girls:"
    #            Call display_array(GIRLS_NAMES_1990, 5)

    Edit: It's wrong in the tests too.

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    There are absolutely no checks on function invocation.

    What, you say you don't know how to do that? Learn some basic Python metaprogramming first. It's perfectly doable.

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    There are absolutely no checks on function invocation.

    What, you say you don't know how to do that? Learn some basic Python metaprogramming first. It's perfectly doable.

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    You're mixing floats and decimals.

    Again, this is Python. There are decimal types and float types, and they're not the same thing.

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    Also, this is Codewars, not Codecademy or FreeCodeCamp.

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    This is Python, not Java or some programming pre C-era.

    What you're "teaching" is so out of the loop even Codecademy won't do this.

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